
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Obamacare As a Job Creator

I promise I'm working in something interesting for you about the budget (never thought "interesting" and "budget" could be in the same sentence). 

In the meantime, check this out. From Coyote

most of my competitors are small businesses that are exempt from the Obamacare hammer.  To compete, I must make sure my company is exempt as well.  This means that our 400+ full time employees will have to be less than 50 in 2013, so that when the Feds look at me at the start of 2014, I am exempt.  We will have more employees working fewer hours, with more training costs, but the Obamacare bill looks like about $800,000 a year for us, at least (ed: more than his annual profit), and I am pretty sure the cost of more training will be less than that.

At least they're "creating jobs," right?

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